Saturday, July 16, 2005

Commemoration Of The Dawning Of The Atomic Age

I have to pause in my usual postings. I have several other topics to write about. But this is an issue of profound importance to the whole planet and the entire human race. On this day 60 years ago, July 16, 1945, the first atomic weapon was tested at Trinity Site, White Sands, New Mexico, in the USA.

The entire war had led up to this test, and ultimately the first use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. From the attack on Pearl Harbor which drew the USA into the war, the sequence of events led the world on a treacherous, but inevitable course that culminated in this. Although Roosevelt was president before, and all through the war, he died of a heart attack, leaving the sole decision of whether or not to use the device to his successor, President Harry S. Truman. Churchill called these type of events "hinge events," because it's like a door opening, the course of history changes with a single event.

It was said that the entire Japanese Empire was involved in the war, that "there are no civilians on the island of Japan." The Japanese people were prepared to fight until the very last man, woman and child. It was decided that this war of attrition could only be won by the total innihilation of Japan; America's genocide. All major Japanese cities were being systematically destroyed with incindiary bombing raids -- the cities were being burnt to the ground. In times such as these, the decision makes itself; it only takes someone to own the decision. So, yes, there were probably many lives saved on both sides by this display of such awsome power that the Japanese Emperor was shocked into surrender.

It has been said that these events sent shock waves throughout the entire Universe, that beings of higher consciousness in other places were aware of what had happened, and that many came to Earth at that time, and in the years afterward to observe the progression of this sequence of events, and their aftermath.

Back at Trinity Site, the first test had profound impact on the conscience of all of those involved. There was a great moral awakening in the USA. "We are nuclear giants, but ethical infants. We know everything about war, but nothing about peace."

J. Robert Oppenheimer had the most notable comments, which I had the privelege of watching him speak on today's installment of The Last Days of WW II today on The History Channel:
"Some laughed. Some cried. Most were silent. I remembered the lines from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, 'And now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all felt the same in some way."

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